I had the pleasure of attending the 2013 Power Blast Power Soccer Tournament this past weekend at the Virginia C. Piper Sports and Fitness Center in Phoenix. Teams from all over the United States and Canada competed in the 3 day tournament; 11 teams competed in total.
Local Fox affiliate previewed the event – click here to see the recorded newscast.
Power Soccer is the fastest growing sport for power wheelchair users. The sport was originally developed in France in the early 70’s and was introduced to the United States in the early 80’s. Since then, many countries created their own version of the sport which led to an international meeting in Paris, France 2005. It was the vision of the six countries that attended, to create an international organization and unify the rules for international competition. The international organization, “Federation International de Powerchair Football Association” was born. This development led to the formal organization of the United States Power Soccer Association (USPSA) in 2006.

All 11 Teams!!
Power Soccer is the first competitive team sport designed and developed specifically for power wheelchair users. These participants include persons with quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, head trauma, stroke, spinal cord injury and other disabilities.
Power Soccer combines the skill of the wheelchair user with the speed and power of the chair itself, to participate in an extremely challenging game similar to soccer. The game is played in a gymnasium on a regulation basketball court. Two teams of four power wheelchair users attack, defend, and spin-kick a 13-inch soccer ball in an attempt to score goals.

Top 3 Teams – Congrats to ASU!
Congratulations to the ASU Power Soccer club for their 4-1 victory!!